Time ~
That word alone brings flooding memories from every corner of my mind.....
As a child my mom would say "toothbrush TIME" That meant 10 min. until we had to leave. The song that talk of TIME seasons of life. When you are just out of school TIME means little to nothing to most people. You hear just this one "Time" of course there are more to follow. The older I get the more I value Time, not just now or future. I will explain. There was a time in my life that was a season of great pain. In fact it was a decade of what seemed to stand still. When I look back it was a blink. It was a time that I was so afraid of life. The first half of that decade I am sure others thought many things. Mostly bad. I went through court and the hearings were so traumatizing I shook for hours. Breathing was painful, living was literally a choice I made daily asking God to yet again give me a reason, to give me courage to even get out of bed. I went through things that most people can't imagine. Few can understand.... Time did not heal the brokenness or fear God did. I don't look back now and shudder, I am no longer filled with shame at what was done to me. I am thankful because I am redeemed!
I have had the honor of walking through and with other women on their journey's from divorce and the ugly things that can lead up to it. And When God brings the healing from the wounded heart, body and mind.
I have had the pain of losing children by miscarriage and being tormented wishing there was something I could have done. I have had the pain of people turning away from me, accusing me of unthinkable things.... Others unable to understand choices our family has made. Unbelieving The physical problems I deal with daily. Change is like being in labor there is always pain for a Time. But when You Give it to God. He wastes nothing I have never been in more pain physically than now, but I also have incredible Joy, Peace and Blessing. I have been RE Married since 2010 even with the Debilitating migraines that have caused me to be bed ridden, and other health issues I also had twins just after our first anniversary, Boy was He surprised! We now have kids 14, 8 and twins 18 mo. the youngest is the only boy. Talk about change! Dec 3 married, March out of a job, April 8 lost a baby, Shocked and Super shocked!!! we got pregnant 2 weeks after the loss with twins! July5 new Job By our first anniversary He had changed a 20 year career doubled his family and all from 40 years of singleness. I am incredibly blessed and blown away daily by him. We both Love as if Time was not a gift to be taken lightly. I try every day to make my husband know and feel without doubt it is my incandescent pleasure just to love Him in every way I can! He has a name for me that he uses that God gave him for me.... just for him. It envelops Time , Love, Redemption , Healing.....
Having hardship and pain builds character, those without the same experiences don't always comprehend or understand what has happened or what you are going through. That is ok. Love them, Forgive them keep walking.
Relationships are what you put into them.
What you are willing to put in is what you get out....
Invest Love, Truth, Mercy, Patience, Hope , be there when it is hard overwhelming , you don't understand. = That is part of marriage or usually a parent .... If you have others in your life who stand by you remember to thank them!
Friendship comes in many shapes and sizes don't despise small beginnings .
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