Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Miracles where you least suspect

~ Crazy update!!! False test for Lupus ! what a rolercoster . PTL I don't have it, running more tests one involves swallowing a tiny camera. I have come to this conclusion. After a super intense spiritual battling dream, among other incredible things. I believe that more than ever the only thing going on is my flesh is suffering from battle wounds in the spirit. I have always been very sensitive , I am just going to give it to God. I have done what I can in the way of Dr's I must have Kirstie itis or something New they can Name after me, Halfway joking. Bottom line THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYER, IT IS SURE WELCOME! Here is a summery of the amazing, super humbling things God is doing. over the last few weeks. I have been woken by God between 1:30-@6 AM Praying nightly..... during that time I have felt prompted to start a blog about our life and how God has been working through the pain and changes, one miracle after another, Brent has been fasting one day a week for months, God told us if you want change YOU must make a sacrifice intercede more, deeper. So we have been well as you might imagine I got worse. But the Joy got bigger, peace was deeper , pain more, God brought help in our trouble , a long awaited friendship that brought my face to the feet of God. To start a friendship from someone serving by taking care of you and your kids the house Praying over you the laundry cooking was such a blessing and a overwhelming gift of love from God. Then I started hearing first what I thought was chanting but it got louder, one neighbor was gone the others quiet and asleep.... nothing playing in the house. It was just in our master bedroom... Hundreds of People! PRAYING I GOT UP LOOKING OUTSIDE NO ONE! THEN I HEARD WORSHIP HALLELUJAH PRAISE BE UNTO OUR HOLY KING, TO THE I AM AND IT CONTINUED.... ALL I COULD DO WAS FALL TO MY FACE AND WEEP. PEACE FILLED ME, OUR ROOM, OUR HOME.... THIS HAS CONTINUED NIGHT AFTER NIGHT FOR A WEEK! I ASKED BRENT DO YOU HEAR IT? OH THE VOICES YES THEY HAVE BEEN GOING FOR A WHILE. Several Days ago I felt led to post on a sight for married women a encouragement to those who suffer in body, and to Praise, and Pray through, to lift up their spouse. The person who runs the site chose to publish my encouragement.... in 15 min. 200 thousand women had responded to a need of prayer, God had pricked my Heart to War for them STAND THE GAP . As many who have heard our Beloved Pastors at Radiant Share. God has been calling sparking a fire in Brent and I for such a long time. Ephesians 1 say's EVERY GIFT is our inheritance through Jesus Christ! My body may be broken, but my spirit man is at war! I will not go down! the devil will gain NO ground, after this war he will have no teeth and no gates for hell left. MY GO IS BIGGER, STRONGER, HE IS WORTHY HE IS THE I AM. WE WON'T JUST SERVE IN THIS HOUSE WE WILL PRAISE, WE WILL BE PASSIONATE, FIRST CHAIR, WARRIOR , WORSHIPING , BELIEVING GOD FEARING, PEOPLE LOVING, WE WALK IN VICTORY.... WE HAVE VICTORY IN CHRIST! I don't care if I have pain, GOD IS WORTHY! I know GOD WILL HEAL, the devil may bruise my feet. I HAVE CRUSHED HIS HEAD! IN JESUS NAME. I AM NOT A WHINER I AM A WINER!
Living Life Through Change

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