Thursday, July 4, 2013

Giggles and grins With my twins

Being a Mom of twins has been one of the many joys in my life. It must be special to have someone from day one who has been through the same thing! Yet each are uniquely different. Since before birth they were nick named the little buddies.... I read So much on twins. How life would be. The challenge! Honestly Brent and I were so thrilled and our girls were older so we had a little help. But I had no idea.
They are so much more fun! They had a few bad nights a week here and there. Books and everything I read Told us my husband and I would become virtual stranger in the first year, No intimacy would be possible with the demands of the new addition. Suggestions of adding a bed in the nursery were in every single thing we read. So we could take shifts, literally . Well if you have read any of my other blogs you will figure out abnormal is our normal.  So peaceful, happy babies!
Phoebe was born first one minute older 5lb 12oz
Then Ethan 5 lb 9 oz... Phoebe ate a 2 oz bottle just after birth.

The nurse said in her 20 plus years she had never seen a baby born so hungry! She nursed after that! latching with no trouble , Ethan didn't like the bottle thy tried.... he took some. But nursing he was ready. PTL! NO NICU! They did give him oxygen for a few min. But then just watched. Because they were under 6 lb, and a month early. they had special testing. He failed his hearing test.
But the little girl giving it was in training, had them on the wrong ears, and every time it beeped he screamed. His ears worked but the machine both times they tried was on the fritz!  ( passed later) .... They have been cooing , singing, giggling and such fun. They fit in one bouncer together for nearly 6 weeks! As you can see they grew! They eat everything....

They have other nick names to BoBo & Button. Phoebe is Button, she is forever the chatter box. She was the quiet baby for so long. Intense looking at every word, everyone just taking it in. Now she talks in sentences! Ethan is my sweet hearted and very tender boy. If you even pretend to fuss, or the girls are arguing he gets upset crying , now he talks .... No Noo Noo even in the nursery at church. If another kid cry's he will cry he gets worried. They rub his back tell him the other child is ok. He will stop. Hi is a rowdy , climbing, singing daredevil ! Full of joy and giggles loves to make noises. He was only a few months old from the other side of the room and started the farting noise! watched Phoebe Her face stunned and he started laughing , or he would lay next to her and play and then screech! scare the tar out of her and giggle, wait and do it again.... she would jump! He would giggle.
They entertain each other.

The other day was another fun first. Sausage! I only buy bacon or sausage once a month usually. My big girls will devour it all in one sitting the quantity would never matter. Bacon they get a crazed look in the eye and it so funny ! Like the beggin dog strips with the crazy dog. Thats Zoe if we have ANY in the house she is relentless! Candice has gotten better over the years but she was as bad, she still say's it should be its own food group. Well Phoebe prefers sausage apparently ! Daddy made breakfast and she was gobbling it up faster than they could give it. I  came down. Mommy I LOVE SAUSAGE!  Oh that's nice Button. Ethan is like Garfield who cares shovel it in its all good. They were done finally but she just went on and on. There began talking into silly singing I LooooOOOooove my sausage bouncing up and down. smiling ear to ear. I love my Phoebe. She would repel back I LOOOOOVE my sausage. Ethan decided to have fun and run by frrrrrrtttt (farting noises) giggles. Snap Her head turns glaring , yelling I LOVE SAUSAGE!!  Turning back to me bouncing once more on my lap..... with her song, and talking the same over and over. Again Ethan comes by FRRRRRRT giggle Snap, Her head turns again! ETON  I LOVE SAUSAGE! With the death glare, but all the time . Zoe and I are cracking up. Ethan running by her ...... Every day there is giggles and silly songs. I love to make them up to. Child hood go by like a blink. The chronic pain I could choose to never get out of bed. But the things I would miss! the laughter, the love. I love all my monkeys!
Time is the one thing that doesn't forgive.... You can't get back. The buddies are 18 months! We have had such fun. My husband and I made our marriage important ! We didn't put a bed in the nursery, they slept in our room for a short while. But they didn't even want to sleep together after a month. Ethan is a cuddlier sleeper, She likes space to sleep. They are great friends. Every day is an adventure at our house. Live is always moving growing changing. We can live in a world with anger and bitterness, or take a page out of a child's book...
Giggle, sing, forgive , love ,make friends & love sausage!

Living Life Through Change

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